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Sea Scout Ship 40 - The Captain Wrucke
Palo Alto, California | This Website was created by Website Usability by Design and is updated as information becomes available

This site is maintained for those who participated in Sea Scouting in the San Francisco, California (South Bay) Area and in particular for those who served on the Captain Wrucke.
Links: The Wruke Story | Stories from the Crew
The original Captain Wrucke (circa 1952)
The original Captain Wrucke (1952)
New Captain Wrucke Original Condition
Original Condition of the New AVR Captain Wrucke
Commissioning Ceremony for SS Wrucke
Commissioning of the SS Captain Wrucke
. The Captain Wrucke underway
The Captain Wrucke underway
.Wrucke entering port
Captain Wrucke entering port
.At anchor on delta
At anchor in the delta
Wrucke at anchor
Captain  Wrucke at anchor in the Bay Area
. Fall in and line up
Wrucke crew at Muster
Diagram of the Wrucke's layout
This Website maintained by 
Website Usability by Design
NoticeIf you are a former member of the Captain Wrucke's Crew we would like to hear from you, especially if you have a personal story you want to share about your time with Sea Scout Ship 40.  Feel free to email us (through Website Usability by Design) with your anecdote.  Please include your full name and the dates you served on the Wrucke.