In 1998 the Secretary's Office issued an internet usage policy. It is important that all BIS employees understand and comply with this balanced approach to the use of the internet .
I would like to summarize that policy and let you know how we are implementing it in BIS.
-- We encourage the use of Internet to support the mission of the Department.
-- Employees are expected to use responsible judgement and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
-- Users must be aware of information technology security and other privacy concerns.
Internet services provided by the Department, like other Government equipment and resources, are to be used only for authorized purposes. The restrictions outlined below regarding Internet usage during official working hours and non-working hours should be followed by all BIS employees
-- Internet services provided by the Department during official working hours are to be used for authorized purposes only.
-- During non-working hours BIS's internet services may be used to assist employees in becoming proficient in using the Internet and to enhance their professional development. This includes doing research and visiting sites that will expand the employees understanding and use of the internet.
-- Personal use of e-mail is authorized on a limited basis (e.g., sending up to three or four brief messages per day). However, employees shall ensure such usage does not interfere with their official duties or that of BIS (e.g., spending an inappropriate amount of time during duty hours, filling up a mailbox with personal messages so as to prevent official messages from being delivered, or disseminating chain letters). Employees are reminded that the personal use of the BIS e-mail system in a way that might be construed by the recipient to be an official communication, is also prohibited.
-- BIS employees MAY NOT use the internet, including the use of e-mail, for the following purposes at any time:
(1) the pursuit of private commercial business activities or profit-making ventures (i.e., employees may not operate a business with the use of the Department's computers and Internet resources);
(2) trading of stocks/bonds or conducting non-government commercial transactions (i.e., placing on-line orders for goods or services);
(3) viewing of sexually explicit or pornographic material;
(4) participating in prohibited activities such as gambling;
(5) engaging in matters directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan political group;
(6) prohibited direct or indirect lobbying;
(7) use of Internet sites that result in an additional charge to the Government;
(8) engaging in prohibited discriminatory conduct;
(9) any activity that would bring discredit on the Department; or
(10) any violation of statute or regulation.
We expect each of you to conduct yourselves professionally while using Department resources, and all employees must refrain from using Department resources for activities that are disruptive to the work place or in violation of public trust.
Like all other Government computer use, use of Government equipment for personal use of the Internet may be monitored and recorded. Anyone using Government equipment consents to such monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity or employee misconduct, system personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring to Department and law enforcement officials. Individuals are not guaranteed privacy while using government computers and should, therefore, not expect it. To the extent that employees wish that their private activities remain private, they should avoid using the Department's Internet or e-mail for such activities.
Your management team expects that any BIS employee who witnesses the inappropriate use of the internet or who has evidence to suggest such, will immediately notify the IT Security Officer, Gladys Rodriguez [at mailto:" and an appropriate member of the BIS management team. If requested, reports received by the IT Security Officer will protect the confidentiality of the source. ]
The BIS management team will take very seriously any reports that IT security is being compromised, inappropriate sites are being visited, or that BIS's IT services are being used for prohibited purposes. In addition, we will also take seriously any situation where an employee is aware of such abuse but fails to notify the appropriate BIS officials as spelled out above.