Who is Dr. Peter C. Moore?
The Very Reverend Peter Moore is the fourth Dean and President
of Trinity Episcopal School
for Ministry. He also served as the school's first Chairman
of the Board of Trustees.
In 1962 he founded the Fellowship of Christians in Universities
and Schools (FOCUS), a parachurch organization which ministers to
prep school students. He also served in parish ministry at All Souls'
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pittsburgh and as the rector
of "Little" Trinity Anglican Church in Canada -- a historic
parish in Toronto's downtown core.
He is also a gifted academic and author of several books and articles
including the award-winning
Disarming the Secular Gods: How To Talk So Skeptics Will Listen
Can A Bishop Be Wrong? Ten Scholars Challenge John Shelby Spong.
He earned his degrees from Yale, Oxford, Episcopal Theological
School, and Fuller Theological Seminary.