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Teachings of
David Prior

March 2, 2001

March 9, 2001

March 16, 2001

March 23, 2001

The New Life Series

Bringing Bible-Based Teaching
to the Washington, DC Metro Area

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Please Note:These are "unofficial notes" taken by one of the attendees at the March 2 and March 9, 2001 presentations and are not necessarily an accurate representation of Rev. Prior's presentation. If you want to get an audio or video tape of the presentation they may be ordered for a minimal fee. Audio tapes | Video tapes

Waiting on photoSummary of Teaching by
Rev. David Prior
Being Fulfilled or Being Filled Full?

March 2, 2001

Have you ever tried to put our culture into God's plan? What is OK and what is not from God's perspective? Ever have a person ask you if you are fulfilled? The Washington Post suggest you ask the following questions:

  • What are you good at doing?
  • What will someone pay you to do?
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • What stretches you in doing it?

In today's culture some may tell you that it doesn't matter what relationship you are in as long as you are happy. But this is not what God would say. From a Biblical perspective it is not whether you feel fulfilled, its are you filled full.

Eph 4:1-13 says that Jesus came that He might fill all things. So, maybe you should ask yourself what are you full of! Or what is your neighborhood full of. What comes out of your mouth when you are surprised or something unexpected happens? The words you speak will tell you volumes about what is in your heart and what you are filled full of. As Christians is it the Words of scripture and the presence of God or is it the world? You see it is God's plan that he would fill full his people, who will fill full His church, which will eventually fill full the nation.

What does the word "fill" mean?
bullet One definition is to fill up, where there is no more room left, no more capacity.
bullet Another is complete. Without Christ we are not complete with Him we are filled full (spiritually, mentally, morally). If a nation losses its morality it will be bankrupt. We need to have an authority that is not controlled by us. [Note taker's comment: Read the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel with the prophets of Baal. Who was the Baal controlled by?] Completeness includes understanding. When we come to Christ the vale that keeps us from seeing the truth of the Scripture if lifted and we understand, we see from a new perspective, we are filled.
bullet The third definition of "fill" is to satisfy. This is a deep sense of satisfaction. When we are without Christ we fill our lives with things because we are not filled with the Spirit of God. As the Lord fills us full we are able to let it overflow by giving what He has given us to others.

Summary of Teaching by
Rev. David Prior
Four Letter Words!

March 9, 2001

How do we relate the Sabbath to our daily work? We need to see what God says about the four letter word "Work." He created us to work.

1. "Tohu" is a Hebrew word that means "formless"
2. "Bohu" is a Hebrew word that means "empty"
Before God goes to work on us we are "Tohu Bohu" formless and empty, just like the earth was before God created it. (See Gen1:1-3)
3 & 4. Very and Good: This is what happens when God gets through with "Tohu Bohu." (See Gen 1:26-31)

5. Rule over it. God told Adam and Eve to rule over what He had created. Unfortunately we haven't done this very well. In many ways we are destroying the earth God has given us to rule over. This is because we have been ruling in a self-centered way and not a Godly way.
6. Fill the Earth (Gen 1:28)
7. Till the Earth (Gen 2:15)
8. Keep or take care of it. Another word for this is to tame it.
9. Name it. God told Adam to name the things of earth. Fill, till, tame and name are all part of Ruling over the earth.

10. Rest: (Gen 2:3) On the seventh day He rested. When the people did not keep the Sabbath they were punished. Rest is not just taking the a day off, its learning how to practice the presence of God be it on the Sabbath or in the midst of the work place.

11. Fall - as in "Fallenness"
12. Pain - as in childbirth
13. Toil - Hard labor
When we try to make our own lives easier we avoid embracing our pain through Jesus.

14. Adam: There were two Adams. The second one was Jesus who redeemed us from what the first Adam did in the fall and saved us from what would have been the ultimate end of story.

Don't let your job define you. Instead put limits on it. When someone asks you what you do , how about saying "I preach Christ Crucified and Risen?!"

Remember God works = quality work.
God has called us to live and work in a way that is ethical and attractive so others will want to know what we have and start asking questions. We are called to
(1) Excellence, not second best
(2) Teamwork, not doing it all by ourselves, and
(3) Integrity, being trustworthy and reliable.



New Life Series Home Page > Spring Schedule 2001 > Teachings >David Prior