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Immigration Reform Part 1
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Bill Sargent, Mark Mansius and John Gay are writing columns on important issues for today.

A Second Look at Immigration Reform

July 15, 2013

Last week we talked about immigration reform and the need to secure the border before granting a pathway to citizenship.  Let’s continue the discussion!

The immigration issues are complex, dividing and often even evoking an emotional response. Our experience is, if you want to solve a problem, you must first define it and then based upon your principles craft a solution.  Truly our current immigration policy is broken as evidenced by some 14 million illegals living in our country.  So whose job is it to fix it?  We contend the primary responsibility rests with the federal government with state and local governments playing a supporting role. 

Our immigration policies and laws must protect American citizens.  How we approach this issue should endear compassion and supplement our workforce, while ensuring we don’t take away the jobs of current citizens who are willing to work.   At the same time we need to have plans in place to block the entrance of dangerous individuals, to foster a common language, and to teach the principles of freedom. The greatest gift we can offer immigrates is true freedom -- the right to make their own choices.  This requires us to be a society unencumbered with the demeaning practices of the dole and demoralizing taxation.  Whether citizen or immigrate, all must accept and be nurtured by self-reliance, sound education, and integrity; not seeking a hand-out from government. 

It seems the pro-amnesty folks always focus on being humane to those in who are in our country illegally.  Actually, we agree. We must be humane in our dealings with all.  But humanity is about lifting up, not enslaving, when help is needed.  It’s about walking without handouts. Most important of all, true humanity is personal, and requires personal involvement of time and talent, something governments by their nature cannot offer.  We can never abrogate away our moral responsibilities to the government.  Many immigrants seek freedom and relief from the enslaving policies of their native countries.  But like them, we are seeing our freedoms diminish. How can we share something we are losing?

Government programs that encourage people to live on the dole while foolishly increasing our debt, or which encourage an ever increasing reliance on government assistance are enslaving not freeing.  These programs should be phased out for citizen and non-citizen alike.  The saying give a man a fish and he will be hungry tomorrow but teach him how to fish and tomorrow he will provide for himself applies.  Those who come here to get for a free handout should find there are none.  Those who come here to work hard and contribute should be welcomed and encouraged.  Many who are already here fit this mold.

The immigration debate should not be about who will get more votes and who will, as a result, get more power.   Immigration should be about building our country, accepting and encouraging those who will work hard.  We are about America and building a nation of people who will work together for freedom, enjoy freedom, and bringing his/her own gifts and talents to the table that we might once more be a light to the world.  We hope you agree!

Until next week,

Mark, Bill and John