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Bill Sargent, Mark Mansius and John Gay are writing columns on important issues for today.

Abortion Debate Reflects on Character, Beliefs

July 22, 2013

Last month a Pew Research Report noted that in 2011, the overall birth rate in the U.S. was the lowest rate since the 1920s.

The rate of abortions in the U.S. in 2009 -- the latest year for which figures are available --  was 1.16 million, with Texas ranking third at 6.7% of these.  Nearly 50% of all births in the United States are the result of unintentional pregnancies and about 40% of these pregnancies are terminated through abortions.

It seems to us there is a direct correlation between the low level of live births and the high number of abortions in our nation. 

Earlier this month the Texas State legislature passed legislation restricting access to abortion if the unborn child is five months old or older.  On June 18th the U.S. House of Representatives also passed a similar measure. But this bill is likely to die in the Senate. All of these facts, figures, and legislative actions ultimately reflect our moral fiber, character, and beliefs. 

When does life begin?  Some of us contend that it begins at conception and that calling a child a “fetus” is an attempt to ignore this. All of us agree the beginning of life must be protected.  We are reminded that in Texas if a person kills a pregnant mother in a car accident they are libel to be charged with two homicides, not one. 

The issue of abortion raises the question “Since when do we have the right to play God and determine whether a child is born or its life is snuffed out?”  Most legislation and laws provide an exception to abortion prohibitions if the woman is raped, if incest is committed against a minor, or the life of a mother is in grave danger.  For some, these are valid reasons, but must never be considered automatic.  All this begs the questions “Should anyone have the right to step into God’s shoes and make such decisions and does the manner by which a woman becomes pregnant make the taking of the life of an unborn child any less grievous or any less a homicide?

Please don’t misunderstand.  We are not suggesting that we should not have compassion for those who find themselves in these circumstances.  We should help them and offer adoption services to parents as an alternative to destroying a life. To us, life is precious and we should protect the rights of those who are unable to speak for themselves – both the unborn and the elderly!

So where does this leave us? 

We can pass all the laws we want but, without a change of heart in the people of this country, the real sickness will not be healed.  Back in the 1964 Presidential campaign Bill remembers Barry Goldwater saying you cannot effectively legislate morality.  Goldwater was right!  People need to change of their own free will. What is needed is a change of hearts, one by one, individual by individual.  In the meantime it seems we are left with federal and state statutes that attempt to “encourage” us to make right choices.

Until next week,

Bill, Mark and John