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#1. The Federalist Papers were a series of essays to encourage the adoption or rejection of:
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution
The Articles of Confederation
The rejection of the Stamp Act

#2. Which of the following is NOT a territory of the United States:
Puerto Rico
Falkland Islands
The Virgin Islands

#3. Which of the following powers is NOT granted to the federal government in the Constitution:
Provision of Defense of the nation
Conduct of a census of the population
The right to levy taxes to fund the government
Provision of education for U.S. citizens
Negotiation of treaties

#4 Who were the first three Presidents of the United States?
George Washington, John Quincy Adams, James Madison
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln
James Monroe, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln
James Monroe, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson

#5 Which of the following was NOT addressed in the Declaration of Independence?
Taxing without representation
Suspending locally elected legislatures
Refusing to agree to laws passed for the public good
Eliminating slavery
Keeping standing armies amoung the people in times of peace
Depriving citizens of the right to a trial by a jury of their peers

#6 Why was the subject of the Gettysburg Address and who gave this speech?

State's Rights | John C. Calhoun
Dedication of a civil war grave | Robert E. Lee
Government should be for and by the governed | Abraham Lincoln
Opening of the western frontier | Daniel Boone
The declaration of war against the Japanese | Franklin D. Roosevelt

#7 The Tenth Amendment makes it clear that:
Slavery shall not exist in the United States
Those powers not specifically griven to the federal government or excluded from the states shall remain within the jurisdiction of the states and ultimately the people
Police cannot search your home without your consent or a warrant
Nobody's rights may be taken away without due process
Citizens have the right to bear arms

#8 The concept of separation of church and state came from:
The Declaration of Independence
The Federalist Papers
The U.S. Constitution
Personal letters in which Thomas Jefferson used that phrase
The first amendment

#9 Who were the Presidents during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War?
Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson
Willliam Howard Taft, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon
Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy
Willliam Howard Taft, George Patton, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson

#10 The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Grants citizens the right to bear arms
Grants women the right to vote
Prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages
Ensures freedom of the press
Changes the way U.S. Senators are elected (no longer appointed by state legislatures)