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Answers to American History Quiz

#1. The Federalist Papers were a series of essays to encourage the adoption or rejection of:
The Constitution

#2. Which of the following is NOT a territory of the United States:
Falkland Islands

#3. Which of the following powers is NOT granted to the federal government in the Constitution:
Provision of education for U.S. citizens

#4 Who were the first three Presidents of the United States?
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson

#5 Which of the following was NOT addressed in the Declaration of Independence?
Eliminating slavery

#6 Why was the subject of the Gettysburg Address and who gave this speech?
Government should be for and by the governed | Abraham Lincoln

#7 The Tenth Amendment makes it clear that:
Those powers not specifically griven to the federal government or excluded from the states shall remain within the jurisdiction of the states and ultimately the people

#8 The concept of separation of church and state came from:
Personal letters in which Thomas Jefferson used that phrase

#9 Who were the Presidents during World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War?
Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson

#10 The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Grants women the right to vote