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Columns and OpEd Pieces

Individual columns written by Bill Sargent and
columns written by "The Three Musketeers"

Oct 3, 2024 Free Speech, A central issue in the 2024 Election
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Sept 25, 2024 Providence? God's protection of George Washington and Donald Trump
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept 15, 2024 There is No Reason to Delay the Sentencing of Donald Trump
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept 11, 2024 Kamala Harris, The Modern Day Vicar of Bray?
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Aug. 28, 2024 Trump has more combat experience than Governor Tim Walz (D-MN)
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug. 13, 2024 Violating Natural Laws brings Severe Consequences
(The Galveston County Daily News)
July 25, 2024 The Texas Heroes Monument and Honor
(The Galveston County Daily News)
June 30, 2024 Hunter Biden Laptop Deception Impacted an Election
(The Post Newspaper)
June 28, 2024 Biden and AG Garland assert Executive Privilege
(The Galveston County Daily News)
May 26, 2024 Hocus Pocus: The Manhattan Trump Trial
(The Post Newspaper)
May 15, 2024 College Campus Anti-Israel rioting must be stopped, have consequences
(The Post Newspaper)
Mar 26, 2024 Presidential Immunity: A "Ticklish" Issue with Immense Implications
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Mar 6, 2024 Israel is Fighting for Its Life
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Feb 25, 2024 Will the Real Employment Numbers Stand Up
(The Post Newspaper)
Feb 8, 2024 "Yes Abigail, Voter Fraud Still Exists!"
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Jan 27, 2024 Never Trumpers; What will they try next?
(The Post Newspaper)
Dec 28, 2023 The Voters, Not the Courts, should decide who is our leader
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Dec 22, 2023 Trouble in the "House of Mouse"
(The Post Newspaper)
Nov 28, 2023 What the Powerful will do to Keep Their Power
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Nov. 25, 2023 Beware; This Could Happen to the U.S. Economy
(The Post Newspaper)
Nov 3, 2023 The Supreme Court's Docket; Past and Present
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Sept 30, 2023 Lack of Planning Means Goals Aren't Reached
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept 7, 2023 Speaker McCarthy needs backbone to cut federal spending
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Sept 2, 2023 America's Diminishing "Reserve Currency" Status
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug 18, 2023 A History Lesson: The Women's Suffrage Movement
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug 9, 2023 Government Censorship Demands Action
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug 2, 2023 It's Time to Clean House; Restore Trust in our Nation's Institutions
(The Galveston County Daily News)
May 27, 2023 The Debt Ceiling: Threading the Needle Won't Be Easy
(The Post Newspaper)
Apr. 16, 2023 Should Texas continue to use Countywide Voting on Election Day?
(The Post Newspaper)
Mar. 28, 2023 Removal for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Treason or Bribery
(The Galveston County News)
Mar. 19, 2023 Build Your House on the Rock and Your Sand Dunes Too!
(The Post Newspaper)
Jan. 19, 2023 Was No "Red Wave" November 2022 an Act of God and a Good Thing?
(The Galveston County News)
Jan. 4, 2023 SCOTUS case may right overreach by Executive and Judicial branches
(The Galveston County News)
Oct. 22, 2022 Voting will be different in Galveston County this election cycle with paper ballots
(The Galveston County News)
Sept. 23, 2022 What You need to know about Voting by Mail
(The Galveston County News)
Aug. 18, 2022 Americans must awaken and "Stop the Madness"
(The Galveston County News)
Aug. 10, 2022 SCOTUS: Reigning in an Overreaching Government
(The Post Newspaper)
July 31, 2022 There's a common thread between Slavery and Abortion
(The Post Newspaper)
June 16, 2022 Two Tiered Justice System and Cautions over Red Flag laws
(The Galveston County Daily News)
May 18, 2022 Perhaps it's time to resurrect the Flying Tigers to save Ukraine
(The Galveston County Daily News)
April 13, 2022 US firms facing double taxation due to IRS overreach
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Mar 29, 2022 The Challenge of Energy Inflation
(The Post Newspaper)
Dec 4, 2021 Supply Chain Issues; We're all jammed up!
(Galveston County Daily News)
Oct 30, 2021 Can We Survive Three More Years of the Biden Admin's Foolishness?
(Galveston County Daily News)
Sept 22, 2021 The truth about "Equity" verses "Equality of Opportunity" [Part Three]
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept. 18, 2021 The truth about "Equity" verses "Equality of Opportunity" [Part Two]
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept. 11, 2021 The truth about "Equity" verses "Equality of Opportunity" [Part One]
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug. 5, 2021 Election Integrity: Just because you say something repeatedly,
doesn't mean it's true!

(The Galveston County Daily News)
May 14, 2021 Biden-Harris Economics will drive American jobs offshore
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Apr. 16, 2021 Election Integrity in "Real Time"
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Feb. 9, 2021 Biden's energy decisions undermine the US, aid our adversary China
(The Galveston County Daily News)
Jan. 27, 2021 Discrimination in any form is wrong
(The Post Newspaper)
Jan. 6, 2021 The 2020 Election was Riddled with Claims of Voter Fraud
(The Galveston County Daily News)

Sep. 22, 2020 Criminal Justice from the Judges' Perspective (Part III)
(The Post Newspaper)
Sep. 16, 2020 Criminal Justice from the Judges' Perspective (Part II)
(The Post Newspaper)
Sep. 13, 2020 Criminal Justice from the Judges' Perspective (Part I)
(The Post Newspaper)
Sept. 11, 2020 Never forget what happened on 9/11
(Galveston County Daily News)
Sep. 9, 2020 Defensive Stand: The Role of the Criminal Defense Attorney (Part II)
(The Post Newspaper)
Sep. 5, 2020 Defensive Stand: The Role of the Criminal Defense Attorney (Part I)
(The Post Newspaper)
Sep. 1, 2020 A Team Effort (law enforcement & DA's office) Results in Conviction
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug. 30, 2020 The DA's Duties Help Define Justice
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug. 19, 2020 From Crime to Punishment - The Galveston PD in Action
(The Post Newspaper)
Aug. 18, 2020 For the Sargents, Women's Suffrage was a Family Affair
(Galveston County Daily News)
Aug. 18, 2020 On This Day 100 Years Ago
(The Union Newspaper, Grass Valley, CA)
June 2, 2020 Possisbly Disenfranchising Elderly Voters?
(Galveston County Daily News)
May 12, 2020 The Michael Flynn Investigation was a Travesty
(Galveston County Daily News)
Feb. 19, 2020 Elections are secure, dispite ludicrous allegations
(Galveston County Daily News)

Oct. 5, 2019 Vote Center Elections in Harris County worth Scrutiny
(Galveston County Daily News)
Aug. 28, 2019 Red Flag Laws, Proceed Cautiously |
(Galveston County Daily News)
June 22, 2019 The Census Citizenship Question is Neither New or Wrong
(Galveston County Daily News)
May 29, 2019The Rule of Law; Trump's Judicial Appointments
(Port Arthur News)
April 25, 2019 Establishing a Deepwater Facility on Pelican Island
(Galveston County Daily News)
Jan. 19, 2019 We need a Coastal Spine but with some modifications
(Galveston County Daily News)

The Three Musketeers
In May 2013 three former candidates for Texas Congressional District 14 started to publish a weekly column in the Galveston County Daily News. This page contains an index (and links) to the columns they have written.

Aug. 7, 2017 A Fond Farewell from the "Three Musketeers"

July 31, 2017 Funding and Building the Coastal Barrier System
July 24, 2017 Red Snapper Fishing, Getting it Right!
July 17, 2017 Working Together Makes Sense
July 10, 2017 Repealing Obamacare will be a Daunting Task
July 3, 2017 Skirting the Natural Law and the Minimum Wage

Jun. 26, 2017 Dreams and Visions; A Key to America
Jun. 19, 2017 Fight for issues; don't make it personal
Jun. 12, 2017 Did You Miss the Three Day Red Snapper Season this year?
Jun. 5, 2017 Confronting a Legal impossibility

May 29, 2017 Free Speech and the Johnson Amendment
May 22, 2017 The Starting Place: Respect for Each Other
May 15, 2015 President Trump's Judicial Nominees  [Our Four Year Anniversary: We started on May 20, 2013]
May 8, 2017 What is Legislative Leadership?
May 1, 2017 Government: Promoting, not Providing, the General Welfare

April 24, 2917 Continuing Resolutions Fund Inefficient Government
April 17, 2017 The Federal Government and Healthcare
April 10, 2017 America's Trade Deficit
April 3, 2017 Stay the Course, Mr. President

Mar. 27, 2017 Gender Identity and Bathrooms/locker rooms
  Special Series on the Red Snapper Issue
Mar. 24, 2017 Fishing The Gulf Coast: Red Snapper [Concluding Thoughts]
Mar. 23, 2017 Fishing The Gulf Coast: Red Snapper [Premises and Goals]
Mar. 22, 2017 Fishing The Gulf Coast: Red Snapper [Part Three]
Mar. 21, 2017 Fishing The Gulf Coast: Red Snapper [Part Two]
Mar. 20, 2017 Fishing The Gulf Coast: Red Snapper [Part One]
Mar. 13, 2017 General Warrants and Safeguarding Freedom
Mar. 6, 2017 Ensuring Integrity of Elections -- Voter IDs

Feb 27, 2017 It's All About Service
Feb 20, 2017 The 9th Circuit Court and Lower Federal Courts
Feb 13, 2017 Supreme Court Nominee and Religious Freedom
Feb. 5, 2017 Finally, A Candidate That Keeps His Promises

Jan. 30, 2017 Finally, There is a Commitment to the Truth
Jan. 23, 2017 The Clinton "Emailgate" is back in the news again
Jan. 16, 2017 The Arduous Task of Replacing the [Un]affordable Health Care Act
Jan. 9, 2017 The Obama Legacy and Economics
Jan. 2, 2017 A President is Elected [The Electoral College Worked]

Dec. 26, 2016 Police Officers can be the Good Guys!
Dec. 19, 2016 Are Non-U.S. Citizens Voting?
Dec. 12, 2016 What is Truth?
Dec. 5, 2016 A Congressional Report Card

Nov. 28, 2016 The American Voter Has Spoken
Nov. 21, 2016 Healing Hands: American Music
Nov. 14, 2016 How the Next President will be Elected
Nov. 7, 2016 Less Regulation and the Free Market Really Works

Oct. 31, 2016 Donald Trump's Contract with America
Oct. 24, 2016 Where is the FBI when you need them?
Oct. 17, 2016 Look at the Issues, Not the Mud
Oct. 10, 2016 The Vice Presidential Debate: A Lesson in Manners
Oct. 3, 2016 Great American Leadership

Sept. 26, 2016 Deciding Our Nation's Economic Future
Sept. 19, 2016 What Are We Doing About the Next Hurricane?
Sept. 12, 2016 What Happened While You Were Sleeping: The Federal Judiciary
Sept. 5, 2016 The True Health of the American Economy

Aug. 29, 2016 George Soros: The Man Behind the Throne
Aug. 22, 2016 Elected Officials are Employees: Get the Job Done!
Aug. 15, 2016 Hillary's Health? | Iran Ransom?
Aug. 8, 2016 The Summer Olympics
Aug. 1, 2016 Who is in Charge? Really?

July 25, 2016 The Republican Convention, a Recap
July 18, 2016 Can Hillary be Trusted with the Presidency?
July 11, 2016 Freedom Requires Vigilance
July 4, 2016 The Brits, Freedom and Independence (New Beginnings!)

June 27, 2016 Responding to Terrorism
June 20, 2016 A Nation of Laws, Yet Ruled by the Lawless
June 13, 2016 Jobs: Straight Talk
June 6, 2016 Disincentives to Improving Skill Sets

May 30, 2016 Disney World Indeed! Medical Treatment for our  Veterans
May 23, 2016 Protecting Women, The North Carolina Bathroom Bill
May 16, 2016 Fiscal Responsibility, Expect Nothing Less
May 9, 2016 Let Us Pray
May 2, 2016 Only the Brave Can Be Free

April 25, 2016 Freedoms Versus Entitlements
April 18, 2016 The "Affordable" Tax Day is Here
April 11, 2016 Economics 101: The Minimum Wage
April 4, 2016 Budgets: Getting It Right!

Mar. 28, 2016 Issues and Campaign Rhetoric
Mar. 21, 2016 We the People: Demanding Their Nation Back
Mar. 14, 2016 Hilary, Who's Telling the Truth?
Ma. 7, 2016 The Scalia Legacy

Feb. 29, 2016 To Be or Not To Be: Confirmation of a New Supreme Court Justice
Feb. 22, 2016 Healing For America
Feb. 15, 2016 Does It Make a Diffreence Where You Are Born? (Birthright Citizenship)
Feb. 8, 2016 The Primary Season Begins
Feb. 1, 2016 Foreign Policy Now and Then

Jan. 25, 2016 The State of the Union
Jan. 18, 2016 Truth verses Lies -- An Epic Struggle
Jan. 11, 2016 U.S. Energy Policy -- A Discussion
Jan. 4, 2016 American History -- What is Freedom Worth?

Dec. 28, 2015 A Christmas Gift? The Omnibus Spending Billl!
Dec. 21, 2015 Religious Freedom and A Christmas Greeting!
Dec. 14, 2015 That's Why We Call Them Terrorists!
Dec. 7, 2015 Pearl Harbor -- The Lessons

Nov. 30, 2015 Radical Islam and Worldwide Conflict
Nov. 23, 2015 Offering Thanks
Nov. 16, 2015 Do No Harm [Obama makes Harmful Pipeline Decision]
Nov. 9, 2015 The Budget Deal: Electing People who are Fiscally Responsible
Nov. 2, 2015 American Lawlessness

Oct. 26, 2015 The Speakership: It's Not the "Who" but the "What"
Oct. 19, 2015 Gun Free Zones
Oct. 12, 2015 A Presidential Litmus Test
Oct. 5, 2015 How the Congress is supposed to work

Sept. 28, 2015 Interest Rates, Debt, and Income Disparity (The FED)
Sept. 21, 2015 Fund Government -- Not Planned Parenthood
Sept. 14, 2015 Strict Enforcement is Better than New Laws
Sept. 7, 2015 Government Verses Private Property Rights

Aug. 31, 2015 History Repeats Itself, Time and Time Again
Aug. 24, 2015 The "Trump Phenomenon"
Aug. 17, 2015 Helping the Border Patrol Secure the Border
Aug. 10, 2015 Government Intervention
Aug. 3, 2015 No Nuke Deal with Iran is Better A Bad Deal

July 27, 2015 Don't Be Divided; Stand Together!
July 20, 2015 The 14th Amendment; Then and Now
July 13, 2015 Should the Government be involved with the Marriage Business?
July 6, 2015 Runaway Court? The Obamacare Decision

June 29, 2015 Fast Track Trade Authority: What's it all about?
June 22, 2015 Welfare: Provide it or Promote it?
June 15, 2015 The History Behind Flag Day
June 8, 2015 Term Limits and Constutional Conventions
June 1, 2015 Are the Rich Paying Enough in Taxes?

May 25, 2015 What is Memorial Day all about?
May 18, 2015 Religious Freedom - A Foundational Concept [This week we start our third year of expressing ideas, sharing concepts, and discussing items in the news with the readers of the Daily News.]
May 11, 2015 "Special Delivery" points out Weaknesses
May 4, 2015 A U.S. Economy in the Shadows

Apr. 27, 2015 The Decline of American Leadership
Apr. 20, 2015 The Iran Nuke "Deal" -- Should Congress be Involved?
Apr. 13, 2015 A Constutional Convention -- A Real Possibility?
Apr. 6, 2015 Religious Freedom Need Not Be Discrimination

Mar. 30, 2015 "A Reminder of What We Can Be"
Mar. 23, 2015 Hillary Clinton's "Email-Gate"
Mar. 17, 2015 Leadership, Crisis, or Crisis Leadership? [Single Column in the Orlando Sentinel]
Mar. 16, 2015 Transparency Can Mend A Lack of Credibility
Mar. 9, 2015 Four Little Words "Established by the State"
(Obamacare before the Supreme Court)
Mar. 2, 2015 What Do You Know About American History
Take a quick quiz to test your knowledge

Feb. 23, 2015 What Freedom Demands: Education
Feb. 16, 2015 It's Wake Up Time for Our Nation (A look at our Foreign Policy)
Feb. 9, 2015 What Freedom Demands: Educating and Education
Feb 2, 2015 What Freedom Demands: Integrity is a Must in Society and Government

Jan. 26, 2015 Deadlines May Determine the Course of the Nation
Jan. 19, 2015 What Freedom Demands: Reaching Our Dreams Through Self-Reliance
Jan. 12, 2015 What Freedom Demands of its Citizens
Jan. 5, 2015 "Normalizing" Relations with Cuba?

Dec 29, 2014 The Grand Jury System Works!
Dec 22, 2014 Football and the American Dream
Dec 20, 2014 Making Assumptions Can Be Dangerous
[A single column on passage of the $1.1 trillion funding bill]
Dec 15, 2014 Concealed versus Open Carry
Dec 8, 2014 Is Russia a threat to the Free World?
Dec 1, 2014 Independent Thinking [Minimum Wage & Being "Politicallly Homeless"]

Nov. 24, 2014 Thanksgiving will to you good!
Nov. 17, 2014 A Fallen Wall
Nov. 10, 2014 An Agenda for the New Congress

Oct. 27, 2014 Making Sense of the Voter ID Law
Oct. 20, 2014 Being a Hero and Role Model to Youths
Oct. 13, 2014 The Administration's Big Whopper? Corporate Inversion
Oct. 6, 2014 Mandating a "Living Wage" is not the Solution

Sept. 29, 2014 You Can't Change the Rules in Midgame
Sept. 22, 2014 If given the choice would you choose: "None of the Above?"
Sept. 15, 2014 Foreign Policy: Presidents Must Take Risks to Avoid Danger
Sept. 8, 2014 Changing Education: One Slice at a Time
Sept. 1, 2014 Profit is not a four letter word!

Aug. 25, 2014 Impeaching the President? Really?
Aug. 18, 2014 The "War on Women"
[by the Sargent Family "ladies" and Lois Mansius]
Aug. 18, 2014 Republicans Fighting for Women's Rights [A single column
on the 94th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.]
Aug. 11, 2014 Making a Coastal Barrier System Happen: How and Why
Aug. 4, 2014 The Enemies of Israel Should Think Twice

July 28, 2014 A Look at the Roberts Supreme Court
July 21, 2014 Stop Using Babies on the Border as Pawns
July 14, 2014 Choose Hope, Freedom In Troubled Times
July 6, 2014 Supreme Court Reigns in Presidential Actions

June 30, 2014 Believe it or not: The IRS Scandal
June 23, 2014 No Shortage of Questions about Iraq
June 16, 2014 Commander-in-Chief and Chief Diplomat
June 9, 2014 The President is in Search of a Positive Legacy
June 2, 2014 Another Day, Another Scandal at the White House

May 26, 2014 Is Language Being Stolen One Letter at a Time?
May 19, 2014 Looking Back at a Year of Discussions (The Anniversary Edition)
May 12, 2014 Why Do Americans Distrust Government?
May 5, 2014 Forty Candles and the Power of Prayer

Apr. 28, 2014 Stonewalling XL Pipeline Won't Keep Canadian Oil from Texas
Apr. 21, 2014 The World's Internet Needs to Stay "Free!"
Apr. 14, 2014 Americans Must Never Surrender Freedom
Apr. 7, 2014 The United States is One Nation Under God

Mar. 31, 2014 Weighing Protection and Privacy verses Power
Mar. 24, 2014 Hurricanes Happen But will the "Ike Dike?"
The following columns on Taxes are a series and should be read in the order they were published
Mar. 17, 2014 Taxes: Differing Points of View on the "Fair Tax" [Minority Opinion]
Mar. 17, 2014 Taxes: The "Fair Tax" is the Way to Go [Majority Opinion]
Mar. 10, 2014 Taxes: Taking A Look At the Case for the Flat Tax
Mar. 3, 2014 Taxes: Taxing the "Wealthy" Affects All of Us
Feb. 24, 2014 Taxes: Who Got Us Into this Mess?
Feb. 17, 2014 Taxes: Would a Paradigm Shift be Worth Considering?
Feb. 10, 2014 Taxes: The 16th Amendment and IRS's Abuse of Power
Feb. 3, 2014 Taxes: The More They Have, The More They Want!

Jan. 27, 2014 What Constitutes A Nation?
Jan. 20, 2014 What Should Education Look Like?
Jan. 13, 2014 Education: An Issue Close to Home
Jan. 6, 2014 The Story of a Pencil and the Free Market

These three columns on Flood Insurance are a series & should be read in the order they were published
Dec. 30, 2013 Can Flood Insurance Follow the FDIC Model? (part three)
Dec. 23, 2013 Exploring Some Ideas About Flood Insurance (part two)
Dec. 16, 2013 Natural Disaster Insurance... What if? (part one)
Dec. 9, 2013 Witnessing the Arrogance of Power
Dec. 2, 2013 Pearl Harbor has lessons for us Today!

Nov. 25, 2013 Hardship can bring an attitude of gratitude!
Nov. 18, 2013 Without absolutes there is no compass to guide us!
Nov. 11, 2013 Military, Veterans Deserve the Truth
Nov. 4, 2013 World View: Is your chart upside down?

Oct. 28, 2013 Let's Get Back to the Basics of Leadership
Oct. 22, 2013 It is Déjà vu all over again!
Budget "Deal" Eliminates Debt Restraints for four Months
Oct. 14, 2013 Government Overreach and the "Supremacy Clause"
Oct. 7, 2013 Cooperation takes two willing parties -- The Government Shutdown

Sept. 30, 2013 The Search for Truth -- the 1st Amendment
Sept. 23, 2013 Meaning, Importance of the 1st Amendment
[Freedom of Religion]
Sept. 16, 2013 Recall Elections and Accountability
Sept. 9, 2013 Syria: Leadership and Leading
Sept. 2, 2013 The Impact of Gun Control Legislation

Aug. 26, 2013 Protecting Citizens from an Overbearing Government
Aug. 19, 2013 ObamaCare What it will do for, and to, you
Aug. 12, 2013 ObamaCare is Spinning out of Control
Aug. 5, 2013 "Holdering" Up Voter Identification Laws
Aug. 1, 2013 We need Men and Women of Character in Leadership
[Individual Column by Bill Sargent]

July 29, 2013 Your Money Won't Be Worth A Continental
July 22, 2013 The Abortion Debate Reflects Character, Beliefs
July 15, 2013 A Second Look at Immigration Reform
July 8, 2013 House Should Proceed Slowly on Immigration Reform
July 1, 2013 The Declaration's Truths are Still "Self-Evident"

June 24, 2013 Time for Nation to "Choose Wisely"
June 17, 2013 Leadership Means Being "Engaged"
The next two columns are a series and should be read in the order they were published
June 10, 2013 How Rhetoric, Actions Match Up (Part Two)
June 3, 2013 How Rhetoric, Actions Match Up (Part One)

May 27, 2013 Learning the Difference in Hype verses Votes
May 20, 2013 Introduction