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The TX Heroes Monument,
What Happened to Honor?

Violating Natural Laws Reaps Severe Consequences

Published in The Galveston County Daiy News
June 30, 2024

HEROES-MONUMENT-GALVESTON-TX For years I’ve driven by the Texas Heroes Monument at 25th Street and Broadway in Galveston, maybe some of you have as well.  Last week a friend pointed out that the 19th century artist envisioned having it represent the underpinning of our society:  Patriotism, Courage, Devotion, and Honor.

What we see happening in our country in the last few years is a demonstration that some of these pillars of society are crumbling.  As a case in point, look at the attacks on Donald Trump:

First, there was “Russia Gate” where Trump was accused of colluding with Russians. This hoax was based upon a hit piece which we subsequently learned was paid for by the Clinton campaign.  Then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton illegally had a personal server in her home where classified government information was kept without adequate security measures.  When she learned the server was going to be subpoenaed, she had 30,000 emails deleted from it and the hard drive “bleached” so they couldn’t be retrieved. 

Next the Democrat-controlled US House impeached Trump not once, but twice.  In both cases the Senate refused to convict him.

Subsequently, progressive Democrats used our legal system and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to bring multiple lawsuits against Trump and timing the prosecutions for the 2024 election year in an effort to keep Trump off the campaign trail and to get a conviction so they could call him a convicted felon.  Three of these have, or are starting to, crumble. 

The Florida classified documents case has been dismissed and the Washington, DC case may be close behind, because DOJ illegally appointed a civilian attorney (Jack Smith) to serve as Special Counsel.  Additionally, in the DC January 6th case the Supreme Court struck down two of the counts and ruled that presidents have an assumed immunity from prosecution for actions taken as part of their responsibilities.  The trial court must determine what personally actions -- outside of his official duties -- Trump may have been taken, if any.   The Georgia case is under appeal and the district court has put further actions on hold until after the election.

The only case that has gone to trial is a New York case where Trump was convicted under questionable decisions by a biased trial court judge.  That case is headed for appeal and legal experts believe the conviction will be over turned.

Then some states attempted to remove Trump from the ballot; an action overruled by the Supreme Court.

Then since all these attempts to eliminate Trump as a candidate for reelection failed, a young man decided to assassinate him while the Secret Service withdrew his normal protective detail, replacing them with a second-string team which failed miserably to protect him.

So what happened with honor?   The next time you drive by the Heroes Monument think about Honor and pray for our nation.  Meanwhile, we are grateful that recently Trump is taking the high-road, bringing people together, and shying away from the personal attacks we’ve seen in the past.  Let's hope this continues. 

A few comments from readers:

- Agree with you guys completely. Depending upon which side you view from, your narrative filters all you hear and see. But when's completely unbiased person merely takes inventory of what one man has endured over the last 4 yrs, I cannot say that I posses the tenacity to have withstood the onslaught of false claims Trump has. Culminating with the final straw of being killed when democrats have failed to remove every other way. The man definitely doesn't walk on water but my hat is off to someone who has endured what he has and chooses to not be bitter but yet a truly tested leader and president for all. And I believe we as a nation are going to need that in the near distant future.

- "we are grateful that Trump is taking the high-road, bringing people together, and shying away from the personal attacks we’ve seen in the past." Whatever these guys are on, I want some.

- you and I rarely agree. While I may side with the author(s) assessment of President Trump's persecution, using President Trump and high road in the same sentence is humorous. Our elected leaders on both sides forget that civility begins with mutual respect. Barry Goldwater, Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, Alan Simpson had difference of opinion but voiced their differences civily. It also seems a lot more was accomplished.
[Back in the day, as a real estate broker I sold Senator Simpson and his wife their townhouse in McLean, VA. I found them to be wonderful and down-to-earth folks! (Bill)]

Mr. Mansius and Mr. Sargent have provided us with an editorial of verifiable truths and reasonable conclusions based on truth. Hopefully, those remaining in denial of the coup we have been witnessing unfold before us within the DNC will grasp the truth that (1) our democracy has been and (2) is presently under attack from the DNC and the elitists in control. The Mansius/Sargent editorial should be a reassuring read for those with open minds yet remain in the grasp of the DNC. Their words reinforce the wisdom in recognizing change is in order and the courage needed to step forward and support it.

About the Authors and Columnists
Bill Sargent and Mark Mansius


Bill Sargent and Mark Mansius have written
over 275 guest columns and editorials over the
last ten years and continue to do so.
Bill lives in Galveston, Texas and Mark in St. Georges, Utah.
Both ran against each other in the 2012 Republican Primary
for Texas Congressional District 14, since then
they have become close friends and colleagues.