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Lookout for unintended consequences; Mail-in ballots
We Must Never Forget
What Happened on 9/11/01
Eight-part series on the Criminal Justice System in Galveston County

September 11, 2020
Image of the Pentagon in Washington, DC after terrorists attacked in 9-11-2001Letter to the Editor

Galveston County Daily News

On this day in 2001, I was sitting in my Commerce Department office in Washington, DC – just one block from the White House – when the word came of the terrorist attack in New York City and at the Pentagon.  Many of my colleagues went into panic mode, but somehow, in my spirit I knew I wasn’t in any danger.  My boss (the CIO) and I stayed in the building so that I, as Web Master, could keep our clients in the business community updated on our agency’s status.  We left the building just before noon. 

As we left the parking garage the 14th street bridge had just been opened to vehicular traffic so we went across the Potomac River and drove past the Pentagon where we could still see the smoke from where the terrorist had flown an airliner into it.

It was a sad day for America, but it was also filled with stories of blessings; the terrorists flew into the part of the Pentagon that had just been renovated and strengthened, thus protecting many people whose lives would have otherwise been lost.

Currently there’re those -- foreign and domestic -- who would destroy us and the freedoms we represent.  So today, resolve to stand firm and fight for our freedoms as we remember those who lost their lives on 9-11 and especially the first responders who ran to help those whose lives were in danger.

Author and Columnist
Photo of Bill (Sarge) Sargent
September 11, 2020
