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The Executive Branch Must Act Within Its Authority

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Trump has more “combat” experience than Walz;
Trump experienced live fire!

To Be Determined

Published in The Post Newspaper
August 28, 2024

The Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, by all reports served for over twenty years in the National Guard. That's a good thing. What is not a good is – at best – his embellishment of the facts about his service or – at worst – his downright lying about it. He has done so in order to have people (voters) think he is something he's not. He continued this charade as the Democrat Vice President nominee until his fellow guardsmen and GOP Vice President nominee JD Vance called him on it.

In an interview back-in-the-day he indicated he served as a "Command Sergeant Major" and served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan." In a December 12, 2007 hearing on PTSD he repeated that he served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The truth is that during that time he was serving in Italy and not in Afghanistan. He also made the statement "We shouldn't allow weapons that I used in war to be on America's streets." The problem is that he never served in combat; he never went to war!

When Walz's National Guard unit was given the word to prepare for deployment to Iraq he chose to retire just before the deployment, leaving his men and colleagues in a lurch. His fellow guardsmen claim he abandoned them. In campaign mode, Walz claimed he retired as a Command Sergeant Major, something that didn't happen because he failed to complete all the requirements to maintain this rank prior to retiring.

As a person who served in both the enlisted and commissioned ranks of the U.S. Navy for over twenty years, and as a person who never served in a combat zone, I would never claim doing something that never happened. Doing so would take away from what those who were deployed to war zones encountered.

Everyone who has served in the military has something to be proud of, but none should take credit for something they didn't do. One commentator remarked that President Trump had more combat experience than Walz (having been shot in the head by a would-be assassin)! What Walz has done is like the man who was the courier back in the days of Gerald Ford's reelection campaign. He carried documents between the White House and the President Ford Committee. On his resume he claimed he was responsible for "communications between the White House and the President Ford Committee!" Stretching the truth isn't right and it's not honorable!

Do we really want someone one step away from the Presidency and the nuclear codes who refuses to tell the truth or maybe isn't even capable of discerning truth? Do we want a Vice President who lies about his military service? We may not like the "attack dog" approach Donald Trump has taken from time-to-time, but at least we trust he's telling the truth.

About the Author and Columnist
Bill Sargent, Author


Bill Sargent has written or coauthored
over 275 guest columns and editorials over the
last ten years and continue to do so.
He lives in Galveston, Texas