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The Executive Branch Must Act Within Its Authority

Trump has more "Combt" experience than Walz; He experienced
"live fire!"

Is Kamala Harris a
Modern day Vicar of Bray?

No Legal Reason
for Delaying the
Sentencing of
Donald Trump

Published in the Galveston County Daiy News
September 11, 2024

In recent days it's become clear the Democrat nominee for President could be called a "changeling" given her flip-flopping on major issues. It appears she doesn't hold to any foundational principles other than wanting to remain in office. Her constant changes in positions (perhaps beliefs) are reminiscent of the 1882 opera "The Vicar of Bray" in which The Vicar makes fundamental changes in his principles in order to remain in ecclesiastical office as English monarchs changed back and forth between Catholic and protestant.

Here are some of Harris' changes in recent days as she attempts to hold on to elective office:
  • As a Presidential hopeful in 2019 she said at a CNN town hall that "There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking." But now, when faced with blowback from voters in the swing state of Pennsylvania, she says she no longer supports doing so.

  • When declaring her candidacy in 2019 Harris called the border wall Trump's "medieval vanity project" that wasn't going to stop transnationals from entering the U.S. In April 2017 she said the wall is a "stupid use of money. I will block any funding for it." In February 2020 she said it's "a complete waste of taxpayer money and won't make us any safer." And now, she supports funding and building the wall.

  • While a U.S. Senator Harris championed efforts to outlaw gasoline-powered automobiles and as VP she cast the deciding vote to subsidize and provide tax credits for electric vehicles. Now her campaign dismissed claims that she would "force every American to own an electric vehicle.

  • In 2019 her presidential campaign Harris supported having a "mandatory buy-back program" for AR-15 rifles – taking weapons away from lawful gun owners. Now she claims she no longer supports such a program.

  • In 2017 Harris co-sponsored Medicare for All legislation which would eliminate all private medical insurance in favor of a federal government program. Given how the VA provides medical treatment for veterans (i.e., long waits for appointments/backlogs) is this really what we want? And remember, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." How is that working for you? Now, Harris says she doesn't support Medicare for all.

  • In 2019 Harris wouldn't rule out expanding the Supreme Court. In her words "everything is on the table." Now, she says she isn't in favor of expanding the current court beyond its nine justices.

  • In the wake of the death of George Floyd, in 2020 Harris was supportive of redirecting funds from law enforcement. Now her campaign is backing away from that position saying she wants to be "smart on crime."

  • And then there's the idea of not taxing service workers' tips. If you don't have any good ideas of your own, steal Donald Trump's.
Kamala Harris a Mordon Day Vicar of Bray

So, what does Harris really believe? Is she a modern-day Vicar of Bray? If the only principle she holds near and dear to her heart is to remain in office, can we really trust her? When you vote choose wisely.

About the Authors and Columnists
Bill Sargent and Mark Mansius


Bill Sargent and Mark Mansius have written
over 275 guest columns and editorials over the
last ten years and continue to do so.
Bill lives in Galveston, Texas and Mark in St. Georges, Utah.
Both ran against each other in the 2012 Republican Primary
for Texas Congressional District 14, since then
they have become close friends and colleagues.