October 24, 2016
Reports surfaced last week that professional FBI agents are alarmed over the decision by FBI Director James Comey to recommend that Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton not be prosecuted for her mishandling of classified information. According to reputable accounts federal agents within the bureau are frustrated by the Director’s leadership.
“This is a textbook case where a Grand Jury should have been convened, but was not,” one agent who has worked on public corruption and criminal cases reportedly said. “That is appalling,” he contended!
“We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going,” said an agent who was also surprised that the bureau did not bother to search Clinton’s house during the investigation. “We didn’t search their house. We always search the house. The search shouldn’t just have been for private electronics, which contained classified material, but even for printouts of such material,” the agent continued.
Another of the bureau’s special agents who has worked on counter-terrorism and criminal cases said he is offended that Comey said “we” and “I’ve been an investigator.” Comey has not been an investigator and by saying “we” he was attempting to mislead the public to believe that the rank and file in the FBI agreed with his decision, something that is apparently clearly untrue.
Comey graduated from law school, served as a law clerk for a U.S. District Court Judge, and served as an associate in a New York City law firm. He became a U.S. Attorney rising to the position of Deputy Attorney General during the Bush administration. He then went back into the private sector until President Obama asked him to serve as the FBI Director in 2013. He has not been an “investigator.”
The agent said “Comey was never an investigator or special agent. The special agents are trained investigators and they are insulted that Comey included them in ‘collective we’ statements in his testimony to imply that the Special Agents agreed that there was nothing there to prosecute.” “All the trained investigators agree that there is a lot to prosecute but Comey stood in the way. The idea that [the Clinton Emailgate fiasco] didn’t go to a Grand Jury is ridiculous.”
The clandestine 39 minute meeting between Bill Clinton (husband of the person being investigated) and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, in a parked airplane, on the tarmac of an airport in Arizona raises additional questions about how candidate Hillary Clinton was once again able to avoid being held accountable. It just doesn’t pass the smell test and FBI agents are just now starting to speak out. It follows the same ongoing pattern of special treatment for the Clintons. Others who have had lesser infractions of national security are facing jail time, why not Hillary? Is it politics as usual? Is this the kind of criminal behavior we want to see in the leadership of our nation? It’s time for a change. We cannot allow thugs and criminal like behavior to run our nation.
Bill, Mark, and John